Herb Lemon Salted Green Tea

Herb Lemon Salted Tea

This tea is a refreshing take on traditional green tea, infused with digestive herbs like lemon grass, ginger, mint, holy basil/tulsi and drizzled with pink Himalayan salt and lemon juice. One hot cup of this tangy herb green tea will leave you feeling light and energized, and craving for more!

I got this recipe from my dear parents who have recently given up dairy and regularly enjoy variations of this type of tea in lieu of the milky Indian style chai.

Ingredients (makes 4 cups):

  • Water (4 cups)
  • Ginger (grated) (1 tsp
  • Lemongrass (finely chopped) (1 tsp)
  • Mint leaves (10-12 leaves)
  • Tea bag of your choice (optional)
  • Lemon Juice (1 tbsp)
  • Pink Himalayan salt (per taste)



  • Add ginger, lemongrass, mint and tea bag (I used Tulsi-Green Tea from Organic India) to water and bring to a boil. Once it reaches a boil, turn flame to medium and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Switch off flame.
  • Strain the tea. Squeeze lemon juice and add pink Himalayan salt. Serve hot.


Tastes (Rasa):

Sweet (lemongrass, mint), sour (lemon, lemongrass), salty (salt), bitter (green tea), pungent (mint, ginger), astringent (mint).


Doshic Influence:

This herb lemon salted green tea is tridoshic and digestive in nature. Ginger with its sharp, pungent and cutting qualities is kapha and vata balancing, while also being a great digestive aid. Mint is cooling and pitta balancing. Lemongrass is a digestive and also burns toxic buildup. Pink Himalayan salt is a digestive and vata balancing ingredient. Tulsi or holy basil is a good decongestant and reduces mucus buildup.


Effects on the Mind (Gunas):

This tea is slightly rajasic due to its sharp, stimulating ingredients and the best antidote for the winter blues.

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